Language-Based Dyslexia Evaluation
Ages 14 and Up: Primarily for individuals aged 14 into adulthood who have concerns about reading and writing, and are wondering if there could be an underlying speech and/or language issue causing the struggles. This can also be done for children as young as 7, but it is a lot for a young child, and the Complex Language Evaluation might be a better choice.
Diagnosis Concerns: You want to know if there is a diagnosis of dyslexia, dysgraphia, or any other speech or language-related diagnosis that could impact learning.
Parental Intuition: Your gut instinct tells you that something is causing academic struggles, even if the child is at grade level, but you cannot quite figure it out.
Extra Effort for Lower Results: The student works twice as hard as peers to get the same or lower grades.
Reading Fluency Issues: Choppy, non-smooth readers who may have been flagged at school for reading fluency struggles.
Spelling and Writing Difficulties: Difficulties in spelling and overall written expression, which may include messy handwriting.
Weak Written Expression: Written expression is weak compared to oral expression.
Verbal Expression Issues: Difficulties getting verbal thoughts out at times.
Following Directions: Needs multiple repeats for task carry-through.
Language-Based Dyslexia
Evaluation Details
Testing Duration: Approximately 8 hours of testing across three days.
Testing Format: Can be done virtually, on-site, or as a hybrid.
Report Timeline: Eight weeks from the final date of testing. You can pay an additional fee for an expedited report to be completed in three weeks if needed.
Any language-based diagnoses discovered, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and any speech or expressive/receptive-related disorders.
Treatment recommendations if indicated.
Academic and Functional Accommodations.
A virtual or on-site two-hour consultation once the report is completed to review results and recommendations.
Ready to schedule an evaluation?
These evaluations may be covered by your insurance plan and benefits. Currently TPE is in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, HealthPartners, and Aetna. Coming soon UHC!